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How to Start Wearing Niqaab?



Assalaamu ‘alaikum

Respected ‘Ulama

I would like to inquire if it is fardh for a Muslim teenage girl to wear niqaab? If yes, then how should she go about doing it, considering the fact that her cousins and extended family are not that pious?



Bismihi Ta‘ala

Wa ‘alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

Respected Sister

Concealing oneself when in the presence of any non-mahram is very necessary and a …

The First Classroom

Pious Women|

(The wife of Mufti Muhammad Shafee’ [rahimahullah] – Part Two)

The wife of Mufti Muhammad Shafee’ (rahimahullah), Nafeesah Khaatoon (rahimahallah), belonged to that era wherein a mother’s lap was not only a cradle for the child; rather, it was also a vibrant centre of learning and nurturing. Furthermore, they would not educate their children merely through books, but with their practical lives as well.

Mufti Muhammad Taqi ‘Uthmaani (hafizahullah) writes regarding his mother, “Although she …

Realization of a Prince

Inspirational Incidents|

There was once a very wealthy king in the Banu Israaeel who was blessed with a long life and many children. However, the problem he was facing was that whenever any of his children grew up, they would leave the kingdom, adopt ascetism, and spend the rest of their lives in the mountains (devoting themselves to the worship of Allah Ta‘ala), leaving no one to succeed him. Without exception, all his sons adopted this practice.

When the king reached old …

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